Always Learning Newsletter - October 2020
Table of Contents
Greetings From Epiphany!
Dear Friends,
In 1787, at the end of the Constitutional Convention, a lady supposedly rushed up to Benjamin Franklin and asked, "Dr. Franklin, what have you given us?" He replied, "A republic, madam, if you can keep it." The message is simple. It is up to us to determine the direction of this American experiment whose ideals, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, are that we are all entitled life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Fundamentally, to keep this republic we must vote, and I imagine every reader of Always Learning has made plans to do so, but you have gone further than that by supporting the education of the next generation. You understand that every voter needs to have a full, well-rounded education to make an informed vote. You know voters need to be able to read with a critical eye and to balance complex ideas. By helping Epiphany, you are supporting a successful model of how to raise responsible citizens who can not only keep this republic but improve it.
As I walk the halls, I am genuinely impressed by the quality of an Epiphany education. Credit goes, of course, to the faculty but also to the students who prove again and again what they are capable of if given a chance. Thank you so much to all of you for helping make this possible. Together, we are making a real and lasting impact.
Your Grateful Fan,
The Rev. John H. Finley IV
Corporate Partner Spotlight
Whittier Street Health Center
This month we would like to highlight our newest community partner, the Whittier Street Health Center, which has been bringing their Mobile Health Van here to 154 Centre Street to make sure that our community has regular access to free COVID testing.
Located in Roxbury, Whittier Street Health Center is a comprehensive and innovative health care and wellness center championing equitable access to high quality, cost-effective health care for diverse populations. They first started testing for COVID-19 outside their main clinic back in April. Then, to make testing more accessible and widely available, on June 1st, they expanded testing to different locations throughout Boston with their Mobile Health Van. Now, every other Monday the Mobile Testing Van is parked outside the middle school so all students and faculty can be tested. Their services are also available to the public.
Thank you, Whittier Street, you are a godsend!
Epiphany Stars: Graduate Profile
Sidney Baptista ‘01
When thinking about a model Epiphany graduate, Sidney Baptista comes immediately to mind. In fact, since his last name starts with a “B,” back in 2001, Sidney was literally our first graduate. Years later, he was also the first graduate to sign up to return as a Teaching Fellow. We are proud to highlight him here.
After Epiphany, Sidney attended Williston Northampton School in Easthampton, MA, after which he went on to UMass-Amherst and graduated with a degree in accounting from the School of Management in May of 2009. Immediately upon graduation, Sidney received a job offer from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP but chose to defer for a year so he could return to serve as a Teaching Fellow here during the 2009-2010 school year. He taught a small reading class, assisted with math classes, and coordinated the sports and tutoring programs. Then, after a year’s service giving the next generation a hand-up, Sidney joined PwC in the summer of 2010 as an Associate IT Auditor.
In 2017, Sidney founded his own business, Pioneers Run Crew, to create and promote a diverse and inclusive culture within the running community in Boston and beyond. The crew of a dozen runners trains together, races together, and engages in community service projects.
Most recently, they hosted a virtual 5K run/walk to raise money for racial justice work in Boston. Sidney shared the significance of this race: “We are running and walking to combat long standing institutional inequalities by raising funds to help two local organizations that work to support and uplift our most vulnerable Boston residents: Violence in Boston and the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy. The third beneficiary of the fundraiser is the BU Center for Antiracist Research headed up by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, one of America's foremost historians and leading antiracist voices.” Click here to read more about the run.
We are so proud of Sidney and his inspiring example.
Sidney getting ready for his run
Learning is Cool: Epiphany Curriculum Highlights
Our students are back in the groove of the school routine. We made several changes to ensure the health and safety of our school community. In the Middle School, this includes a staggered schedule so each grade arrives separately, a shortened school day from 11 hours to 8 hours, meals prepared on-site but packaged and eaten in classrooms, and therapy provided virtually. We have updated our technology, including new web cameras and smart boards in each classroom so classes can be live streamed and be effectively interactive for students quarantining at home. We also have added contactless faucets and toilets, hand-washing stations outside every classroom, an upgraded HVAC system with UV & Merv-11 filters, air purifiers throughout the school, and plenty of PPE. Working together, we are providing the nurturing, holistic, responsive environment that cannot be achieved online. Students, faculty and staff are happy to be together again. (N.B. Just before this edition of Always Learning went to press, a spike in positive COVID testing in the neighborhood has led us to return to remote learning for two weeks, but we expect to be back in the building soon.)
Here are a few pictures of the students.
Early Learning Center Corner
Our Early Learning Center reopened on July 6th. Navigating the new safety protocols has been challenging, but we are thrilled to have our infants and toddler back on campus.
Our teachers have gotten creative with their activities to keep the children active and safe. One of our favorite activities thus far is the “concert” the toddlers put on with pots and pans. Click on the video below to enjoy their short performance.
Epiphany News
Mr. Finley to be honored the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES)
It is with great pride that we share that Mr. Finley will be awarded by the John D. Verdery Award for “outstanding service to Episcopal schools” and NAES on November 5-6, 2020. This is the organization’s highest honor and a sign of the importance of Epiphany to the church across the country.
Click here to join the Biennial Conference 2020 as we celebrate not just Mr. Finley but the contribution Epiphany makes beyond on our walls. Whether by helping build new “Epiphany-inspired” schools or by sharing what we have learned with existing schools, together we are making a real impact.
A Virtual Ride with our Friends at St. Dunstan’s
Due to the pandemic, the in-person Rodman Ride was cancelled. However, in the spirit of “never giving up,” our friends at St. Dunstan’s found a way to ride their bikes and still raise funds for Epiphany.
On August 22, team members chose different routes, either on an actual bike or their Peloton, and rode the same distance they would have during the actual Rodman Ride. Because of their creativity, many more people participated and supported Epiphany.
St. Dunstan’s is setting an inspiring example of how to get creative and stay active, all while helping the Epiphany community. Feel free to contact us if you would like to host a virtual fundraising experience.
Here are a few pictures of the St. Dunstan’s riders: