Always Learning Newsletter - February 2017
Greeting from the
Head of the School!
Dear Friends,
Do you know a company that might host a lunch for Epiphany? We have done these events in the past, most recently at Cornerstone Research, and they are always a nice shot-in-the-arm for the school. (Please see below.) Please rest assured that these events do not ask a lot of those who participate. While attendees eat, we have a short presentation about this wonderful school. For many who attend, the connection with Epiphany goes no further, but there are, almost always, a few people who are drawn a step closer; to come for a visit or to make a donation, and those are the people we need to meet. I hope you can help.
Friends, the kids here put in long hours. Their parents and their teachers work hard too, and you do your part as well. Thank you for all your support and for considering whether you know companies we might be able to visit. Life is better together, and together we are making a real difference.
Your Grateful Head of School,
The Rev. John H. Finley IV
PS Don’t forget about the gala: April 28th!
Partner Spotlight:
Cornerstone Research
On Thursday, February 2, 2017, Cornerstone Research hosted a luncheon for Epiphany as part of their Outreach Program that hosts a monthly series highlighting charities in the Greater Boston area. John Gould, Cornerstone's Senior Vice President first learned of Epiphany School at our 2016 Spring Gala, as a guest of Brenda & Stephane Bancel.
"Cornerstone Research was honored to have both Reverend John Finley and Lori Britton visit our office to describe the inspiring work being done at Epiphany...what really hit home are the many smart ways in which they approach the undertaking. We are thrilled to support the school, both to help individual students and to build a stronger future for our community," remarks Gould.
There were over 75 Cornerstone team members present for the talk. Several attendees expressed an interest in visiting Epiphany School and becoming volunteers. For the entire month of February, the good people of Cornerstone have been making contributions to Epiphany School, and the company will be providing a generous matching gift. We are grateful for our new partnership with them.
If you'd like us to visit your company for a lunchtime talk, please let us know by clicking here. We would be happy to visit with you.
Epiphany's Student of the Month
At the age of 5, Rosily said goodbye to her native country and her childhood home to move to the United States. She is now in 8th grade. We have seen her grow and adapt to the American language and culture and are excited to find out which high school will be lucky enough to get her. She found out about Epiphany through her cousin, Emily Centeio Baptista ‘02 who is the Director of Student Support at Epiphany. Epiphany has become a second home for her. The sense of community, love and support was something she recognized here almost immediately. She still remembers teachers not giving up on her when she couldn’t speak English very well. Their gentle and consistent encouragement made a real difference for her. Rosily brightens up every room with her smile and positive vibes. She says “Seeing Mr. Finley outside, even in the cold, every morning motivates me.”
Rosily has applied to Fenway, Cathedral and Cristo Rey and hopes to hear back from them very soon. Her first dream is to become an actor, but if that doesn't work out, she would want to be a pediatrician. We are confident she will shine in either profession!
Curriculum Highlights
● Because of Winn Dixie Presentation
After reading Kate DiCamillo’s novel, Because of Winn Dixie, Ms. Brice’s 5th grade class worked on a final project to present to the school. The students created a variety of presentations based on their take on the book. Brent, for example, created a little box that contained index cards each with a different word from the book written on it. His classmates would pick a card, read the word and say what came to their mind, a creative way to learn vocabulary. In addition to their final projects, the class made egg salad and punch, a signature dish in the book.
● Black history math project with Mr. Harvey
In honor of the Black History month, Mr. Harvey and Mr. Brayboy ‘07 assigned their 8th grade students a research project on African-American mathematicians. The final presentation was on Thursday, February 16th and open to the entire school. As math teachers, Mr. Harvey and Mr. Brayboy want their students, young men and women of color, to understand the sky is the limit and that they can achieve all of their goals, and these projects gave each student insight into a unique and inspiring group of successful mathematicians. In the end, the students presented their final findings both to their classmates and to the 5th graders as well. Annie Easley, Katherine Johnson, Marjorie Lee Browne, Ernest Wilkins and Benjamin Banneker were among those profiled they presented, and the entire class did an impeccable job describing the life and background of these inspirational mathematicians and their contributions to the world.
● Book Corner
Devonte and Chris have been friends since the first day of 5th Grade Orientation. They share many things in common including a burgeoning love of reading. They have been reading the Harry Potter series together, and they are currently at the fourth book in the series. They are a true inspiration!
Epiphany News
● Black History Jeopardy!
Mr. Forrest, Mr. Simon, and Mr. Deleveaux decided to bring the Black History Jeopardy contest to the school. To prepare, each student was given a sheet with facts about African-American historical figures in arts, culture, sports, politics, education, science and technology. Each homeroom studied these eleven pages assiduously until the big night, a showcase for friends and family hosted by Mr. Forrest. There were 3 rounds with 5 questions each, and at the end of each round students from different electives showcased a short pieces - e.g., an August Wilson monologue, a liturgical dance routine, and a piano recital.
In the end, Mr. Forrest couldn’t declare the winner because there was a tie! 6B and 7A had the same score and had to answer a final winning question in “overtime.” In the end, however, (drum roll please)….7A were the champions of the Black History Jeopardy!
On Thursday, January 26th Mr. Joazard ‘04 & Mr. Finley were invited by Rabbi Sharon Clevenger to the Rashi School to speak at their middle school assembly about their Epiphany experiences. Rabbi Clevenger was introduced to Epiphany a long time ago by one of the school’s founders, Firkins Reed, and from that initial meeting, a wonderful relationship has developed. For example, for the past several years the two schools have worked together on shared projects with Facing History and Ourselves. Under the leadership of Stephanie Rotsky from Rashi and Caroline Abernethy from Epiphany, students from both schools have explored issues of social justice together. During their recent visit, both Mr. Finley and Mr. Joazard were touched by the genuine affection the children at Rashi have for Epiphany, and we are very proud to have this connection to such a wonderful school.
● Epiphany goes to the movies!
The entire school, 87 students and 35 faculty and staff members took a trip downtown to watch Hidden Figures, courtesy of the Boston Foundation. Although it was difficult to organize a trip for the entire school, it was all worth it! The movie was an inspiration.
● Forbes Article!
Leila de Bruyne recently visited the school. After her lunch and tour, she took time to write a beautiful article about Epiphany. There are a few minor mistakes, but we were moved by her kind words, and wanted to be sure to share them with you.
Thank you for your continuous support of and dedication to Epiphany!
Upcoming Events
● Our Annual Spring Gala is coming!