Thank you to our partners for their abiding support!

Why Partner with Epiphany?
● When you partner with Epiphany, you enable us to deliver life-changing education programs and provide access to critical social services for the children and families we serve.
● You can also advance your Corporate Social Responsibility objectives by engaging your colleagues in meaningful community-based volunteer experiences that help our students realize their full potential.
● We look forward to creating a customized partnership and working together to positively change the trajectory of the lives of hundreds of Boston’s children and families.
The Partnership Experience
● Become an Annual Spring Gala Sponsor.
● Organize a service project for your colleagues:
○ Cook Dinner for our Middle Schoolers
○ Tutor Middle Schoolers and Graduates (High School Students)
○ Support our Graduates with Resume Writing and Financial Literacy Workshops
○ Support our families with in-kind products or services that align with your company’s mission
● Host an Epiphany Coffee or Brown Bag Lunch for employees
● Offer a job shadowing opportunity for a Graduate
● Offer a summer job or internship for a Graduate
● Represent your company during Career Day at Epiphany
● Organize a back to school or holiday drive at the office
● Organize an Epiphany corporate team for the Rodman Ride