Board of Trustees 2024 - 2025
Epiphany has an active and diverse Board of Trustees consisting of nearly 30 members who meet five times a year. Board committees typically meet monthly and include Audit, Development, Finance, the Committee on Trustees, Investment, Head of School Evaluation, Academic and Student Life, Graduate Support, and Buildings & Grounds. The Board of Trustees includes two Epiphany graduates.
Diane Patrick, President
Erica Pappendick, Vice President
Anne Thorndike, Secretary
Kennett Burnes, Treasurer
Martina Albright
Jamie Billings
Todd Bland
Jason Burrell
Lia Der Marderosian, Esq.
Yaselis DuBique ‘04
George Estes, Jr.
Euridio Evora ‘01
Åsa Fanelli
John Finley, IV, Ex-Officio
C. Fritz Foley
Jamie Gerrity
Dennis Goldstein
G. Zachary Gund
Jude Jason
John Kennedy
Jenna Miller
Susan Murley
Gary Prado
Ani Sacerdote
Jennifer Sandell
Mindy Wright
Leadership Council 2024 - 2025
Epiphany School’s Board of Overseers is a diverse group of community leaders whose common goal is to support the mission and advance the success of the school. Members of the Board of Overseers act as ambassadors for the school, advocating for it in the broader community, contributing to its financial strength and providing ongoing advice to the Trustees and the school community.
Erica Pappendick, Chair
Maureen Alphonse-Charles
Holly Ambler
Tess Atkinson
Brenda Bancel
Bruce Baron
Catherine Belden
Joseph Bierwirth
Gordon Bither
Carol Brayboy
Remko Breuker
Stephen H. Brown
Christy Cashman
Gretchen Colby
Lisette Cooper
Kerri Crowe
Bill Crowley
Christopher Cutler
Gene Dahmen
Betsy Edie
Theresa Ellis
Delores Ellison
Alison Elworthy
Adam Feinstein
Patrick Fischoeder
David Foster
Thomas C. Frongillo
Jennifer Fulton
Angela Garcia
Rev. Cathy George
Melissa Gerrity
Betsey Gifford
Robin Graves
Timothy D. Green
Pam Hansen
Marina Hatsopoulos
Winston Henderson
Rosalind Hill
James Houghton
Rawson Hubbell
David Ilsley
Dennis Kanin
Peter Keating
Michael Kendall
Joshua Krumholz
Sylvia Kuzman
Eloise P. Lawrence
Peter Levitt
Lisa Lewis
Tom Lewis
Stacey Lucchino
Peter Madsen
Elizabeth March
Dan Mathieu
Eva Maynard
Makeeba McCreary
Katherine McHugh
Katherine Metcalfe
Sally Miller
George Motley
Elaine Murphy
Marilyn O'Connell
Alice O’Neill
Bill Polk
Blake Poole
Kathy Putnam
Ani Sacerdote
Ned Schuller
Lisa Shaw
Chris Shepherd
Carmel Shields
Kate Silbaugh
Alicia Southwell
Sandra Stark
Darryl Sterling
Paul Stewart
Maite Suarez-Rivas
Alvin Taylor
Ellen Theriault
David A. Thomas
Polly Tsai
David Urion
Ricalder Valentine
Katharine Walker
Kristina Watts
Mary Wendell
John Werner
Linda Wisnewski
Lang Wheeler
Martin Zinny
Neela Zinsser